Proceedings of the 1986 International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources. Advanced sodium receiver (ASR) performance with the hermes measuring system at the IEA SSPS central receiver system. International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources [18-23 Mayo 1986, Madrid].
v. 2
The central receiver system (CRS) at Almeria/Spain, operate under the auspices of DFVLR Cologne, is a small solar power system (SSPS) designed to produce 500 KWe output at 0.92 KW/M2 direct insolation. It is a project of the International Energy Agency where besides the U.S.A. eight European countries are involved. The SSPS-project was started in 1977. First turbine roll was in september 1980. The heliostat field consisting of 93 individually tracked mirrors with a total reflective area of 3655 m2, redirects up to 2.8 MW of radiative energy on a bill board receiver on top of a tower. The distribution of the radiant flux in the receiver aperture plane and the total power into cavity depends on tracking accuracy of each heliostat, waviness, alignment and reflectance of the mirrors, sunshape and on actual windspeed and wind direction. The heliostat and receiver measuring system (HERMES) has been developed to evaluate the heliostat field and the receiver and to improve solar specific components and subsystems. In 1984 a Fall Measurement Campaign was performed to measure the solar specific behaviour of the ASR receiver and some special effects of the SSPS heliostat field (para más información ver Documento). ABSTRACT. INTRODUCTION. ABSORBE-EXAMINATION WITH HERMES. MEASUREMENT OF THE INCIDENT POWER. MEASUREMENT OF THE ABSORBER LOSSES. PRESENTATION OF THE RESULTS. CONCLUSIONS.
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