Proceedings of the 1986 International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources. Conclusions from testing of SSPS power plants: nominal performances, yearly performances: energy costs. International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources [18-23 Mayo 1986, Madrid].
v. 2
During the years 1982-1984, operational data were collected from the two solar thermal power plants of the SSPS Project, and experiments were conducted to evaluate their performances. Due to a wide international cooperation, comparison of SSPS results with similar experimental efforts in other countries was possible. At the end of 3 years of intensive testing, the results for both -the solar tower concept (Central Receiver System-CRS) -the solar farm concept (Distributed Collector System DCS) can be summarized and extrapolated as follows. SUMMARY OF RESULTS AND EXPERIENCES. Insolation. Energy conversion. Energy transport and handling. Generation of electricity. Application potential. Dissemination of SSPS technologies.
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