Proceedings of the 1986 International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources. Comparative study of the photoelectrochemical and photocatalytic behaviour of ZnO and WO3 polycrystalline electrodes. International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources [18-23 Mayo 1986, Madrid].
v. 2
A comparative study or the activities of WO3 (Eg = 2.7 eV) and ZnO (Eg = 3.0 eV) as electrodes in PEC cells was made and the results reveal tha these two n-type semiconductors show different behaviours. ZnO electrode produces substantial photovoltages in the presence of alcohols, formamide and substituted formamides causing the oxidation of these organics in the presence of =2. WO3 produces enhanced photovoltages and causes substantial oxidation only with formamide and its derivatives. With WO3 the presence of oxygen produces a strong cathodic effect. This is due to electron capture by O2 from the excited WO3 to give O2. With formamide the products are H2O2, CO2 and NH3. ZnO is a better photoelectrode than WO3. Its activity can be altered by modifications such as liquid crystal binding or dye sensitisation. The performance of WO3 is not improved by such procedures. INTRODUCTION. EXPERIMENTAL. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS. REFERENCES.
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