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Proceedings of the 1986 International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources. Production of hydrogen sulfide by concentrated solar radiation. International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources [18-23 Mayo 1986, Madrid].




The recovery of hydrogen from hydrogen sulfide has become of great interest to many researchers due to the high demand for cheap and available hydrogen sources. In this paper, we study the thermochemical descomposition and hydrogen sulfide to produce both hydrogen and sulfur using a 1.5 kW solar furnace. The effect of temperature and residence time on hydrogen yield was studied using alumina, nickel-molydenum sulfide and cobalt-molybdenum sulfide as catalysts. It was found that the decomposition mechanism follows a second-order irreversible rate equation. Hydrogen yield of 15. ABSTRACT. was obtained at a temperature less than 800 C and a residence time of 0.3 seconds. A prefeasibility study on the process showed that plant capacity, unit cost for concentrator, and conversion are the most critical parameters. Based on a plant capacity of 300000 SCFH, a unit cost of $190/m2 of concentrator area, and a conversion of 15. INTRODUCTION. , the project had a payout time of about 4 years. EXPERIMENTAL. Materials. Apparatus and Methods. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. Kinetics. Prefeasibility study. Process description. Cost and profitability analysis. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. REFERENCES.

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