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Proceedings of the 1986 International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources. Mobil phase of coal : its nature by dry catalytic hydroliquefaction. International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources [18-23 Mayo 1986, Madrid].




The mobil-network concept of coal structure throught the catalytic hydroliquefaction of two different rank coals in the absence of solvent have been studied. A spanish lignite and an Illinois #6 and their respectives chloroform residues have been impregnated with MoS2 (1. ABSTRACT. WT. Mo, DMMF) and hydrogenated (7 MP A H2) at two temperatures (350 o and 400oC) during short reaction times. The data obtained are sumarized in the following tables and figures. CHARACTERISTICS OF COALS. CONCLUSIONS.

Presenta tbls. y gráfs.

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