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Proceedings of the 1986 International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources. Liquefaction on lignite using co-processing with heavy oil. International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources [18-23 Mayo 1986, Madrid].




Coprocessing of Meirama lignite (200 U.S. Tyler mesh from La Coruña, Spain) with heavy oil (Lloydminster, Canada) was studied at 420-450 oC, 13.8 MPa as operating pressure and 55 min. as contact time. Adsorbed FeSO4 and ZnCL2 on coal were used in several experiments. A 500 ml. autoclave equipped with a magnetic stirrer operated at 800 rpm was used for the study. Reaction products were separated by solubility in pentane and in toluene using ASTM standard procedure. Gases were analyzed via G.C. Lignite conversions during liquefaction were comprised between 20 and 65. INTRODUCTION. (m.a.f. basis). When a hydrogen donor (tetralin) is used lignite conversions reach 85. EXPERIMENTAL. . The liquids were separated in 5 fractions using solvent elution separation chromatography. Parallel runs with heavy oil alone have facilitated the identification of products derived from lignite. Coprocessing at temperature beyond 450 C results in extensive coke formation. Materials. Equipment. Experimental procedure. Fractionation of liquids. Sequential elution solvent chromatography of the obtained liquids. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. Co-processing of lignite and heavy oil. Separation of the liquids in chromatographic fractions. CONCLUSIONS. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. REFENCES.

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