Proceedings of the 1986 International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources. Study of interaction between various materials used as supports and anaerobic bacteria. International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources [18-23 Mayo 1986, Madrid].
This paper is an explanation of the work undertaken in order to study the possible interactions between different materials (plastics and ceramics), when these materials are used as a bacterial support in anaerobic digesters, and the anaerobic bacteria. The study is carried out with cultivation enriched in Methanobacteria Sulphobacteria, over the following materials of support: Polyurethane, Polyvinyl chloride, Vermiculite, Bentonite, Natural Sepiolite and Purified Sepiolite. The results obtained indicate that various interactions exist between the different support materials and the methanogenic and sulphate-reducing bacteria, especially for: The different composition of the fraction of volatile fatty acids. The count of methanogenic and sulphate-reducing bacteria. ABSTRACT. INTRODUCTION. MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT. RESULTS. CONCLUSIONS. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. REFERENCES.
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