Proceedings of the 1986 International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources. Mechanism of biological degradation by anaerobic process of glucose and sucrose. International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources [18-23 Mayo 1986, Madrid].
The kinetic model has been applied for completely mixed reactor wiuthout solids recycle, proposed by Chen and Hashimoto wich is based on the kinetic increase of microorganisms for contois, in order to determine the maximun specific growth rate and the kinetic parameters, wich allow the characterization of the system and the maximum operation conditions of methanitation. The raw-waste used has been glucose and sucrose (concentration 1. ABSTRACT. ). The experimental conditions for temperature were 30 and 40oC and the retention times studied were 50, 40, 20, 25, 25, 10, 5 days. The plant developed for the laboratory studies consists of a series of completely mixed reactors, 2 litres capacity with a discontinuous feeding system. The values for the maximum specific growth rate of the microorganisms obtained from the experiment show us that sucrose reaches values even higher than glucose. The maximum specific growth rate of microorganisms are similar to those obtained by Chen and Hashimoto; however when the temperature conditions for the experiment are 30oC, values are higher than those expected from the model. At 40oC we observe a light decrease in both raw-waste which is in contradiction with Chen and Hashimoto model. The values from the kinetic parameters show us that glucose is more biodegradable than sucrose in the same conditions. INTRODUCTION. EXPERIMENTAL DEVELOPMENT. RESULTS ADN DISCUSSION. REFERENCES.
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