Proceedings of the 1986 International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources. Distillery waste methanization. International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources [18-23 Mayo 1986, Madrid].
Pollution due to waste water from distilleries is considerable, resulting important environmental nuisances. Thanks to methanization, this pollution can be reduced by about 80. SUMMARY. while producing a substantial part of the energy necessary for distilation. Fermented substrate represents an interesting agricultural enriching agent. With fixed micro-organism cultures, the detention time necessary for methanization can be significantly reduced, but with plastic media, the cost of such installationsççç is hign. Works perfomed in the Laboratoire de Valorisation des Biomasses allowed to use lignous residuals in order to ensure biomass fixation and, therefore, to significantly reduce investment necessary for these installation. Biological activity kinetics were continuously controlled during experiments with an advanced computer system. Rapid activity resumptions were brought to the fore after breaks simulating the distillation discontinuity. ENERGY REQUIREMENTS FOR DISTILLATION. WASTE TREATMENT. METHANE FERMENTATION. PROBLEMS SPECIFIC TO VINE DISTILLERIES. ECONOMICAL PROCESS. TEMPERATURE. REFERENCES.
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