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Proceedings of the 1986 International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources. Informatic diagnosis of the treatment of residues and energetic optimization of livestock exploitations. International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources [18-23 Mayo 1986, Madrid].




It is presented a calculation program for personal computers that permits to evaluate the viability of biogas production in livestock explotations by means of an anaerobic digestion process. The program performs an energetic and economic balance of the anaerobic digestion installation, providing detailed information on the most adequate type of digestor for the user needs as well as information about the volume of the digestor, the biogas production, the profitability of the installation, the estimated energy saving and other parameters of interest for the cattle owner. The program is a consequence of an agreement in the field of anaerobic digestion between the Generalitat the Catalunya on hand, and the Diputació of Barcelona on the other. SUMMARY. INTRODUCTION. AIMS OF THE INFORMATIC PROGRAM. PROGRAM STRUCTURE. METODOLOGY OF PROGRAM UTILIZATION. CONCLUSIONS. REFERENCES.

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