Proceedings of the 1986 International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources. Biogas production from cow and pig slurry under mesophilic and psychrophilic conditions. International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources [18-23 Mayo 1986, Madrid].
Full scale application of anaerobic digestion of slurry in Dutch animal husbandry started in 1979. The biogas plants are performed as CSTR at mesophilic temperatures. The gas production level depends on the quality of the influent and the residence time and varies from 13-17 m3 per m3 cow slurry and 13-18 m3 per m3 pig slurry. Economical application of biogas production from slurry under mesophilic conditions is hard to realize which is above all due to high investment costs. The efficiency of mesophilic digestion is unfavourably influenced by the high process energy. A considerable portion of the gross energy production is required for heating the substrate to process temperatures. We started laboratory and pilot scale research into anaerobic digestion of slurry al lower temperatures. A comparison was made between the CSTR system and the accumulation system. At temperatures between 15 and 20 oC and retention times of 50 to 150 days the net biogas recoveries are similar to those under mesophilic conditions at 20 days retention time. Cold digestion is attractive if slurry storage and digestion are integrated. As the issue of slurry surplusses probably will enforce farmers to extend the storage capacity, this is particulary the case for pig farms. This research is supported by the Management Office for Energy Research and the Foundation to Prevent Nuisance from Agriculture. ABSTRACT. INTRODUCTION. RESULTS OF MESOPHILIC DEGESTION. START-UP EXPERIMENTS. CONTINUOUS FLOW DIGESTION (CSTR). PROSPECTS. IN CONCLUSION. REFERENCES.
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