Proceedings of the 1986 International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources. Use of agricutural and forestry wastes as a fuel source. International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources [18-23 Mayo 1986, Madrid].
Agricultural and forestry wastes have a high value of fuel source. Solid wastes coming from urbanized areas and wastes of agricultural and forestry products can be pelletized, baled or compressed to use their high caloric value. In this paper, achieved technical studies and conducted research are told in the northern parts of Turkey. All kinds of agricultural production wastes can be utilized in the production of energy and hence they can be regained. in the mild subtropical parts of Turkey, agricultural and forest realted biomass is manufactured as food or industrial raw material during production and work-up. ABSTRACT. INTRODUCTION. PERINENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS INTURKEY. RESULTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. BIBLIOGRAPHY.
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