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Proceedings of the 1986 International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources. Environmental aspects of condensates from down-draft biomass gasifiers. International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources [18-23 Mayo 1986, Madrid].




Biomass gasification plants produce two types of tar contaminated condensates. Based on condensate analysis from five different gasification plants a large number of compounds presenting potential health and environmental hazards, was quantitatively and quantitatively identified. Toxicity, biodegradability and environmental impact of a number of key-components are discussed and porposals are made for dealing with the condensate problem in an environmentally sound and unharmful way. SUMMARY. INTRODUCTION. QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. IOXICITY. BIODEGRADABILITY. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT. LOW COST SOLUTIONS. CONCLUSIONS. LITERATURE.

Presenta tbls. y diagrs.

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