Proceedings of the 1986 International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources. Microbial enzymes hydrolysis of degermed corn starch for further alcohol fermentation. International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources [18-23 Mayo 1986, Madrid].
Tests of enzymatic hydrolysis were made on degermed corn to get media with a high content of carbohydrates, suitable for alcoholic fermentation. Three (fungic and bacterial) o-amylases, fungic amyloglucosidase and pullulanase were tested. The sugar composition produced by every enzyme was analyzed by H.P.L.C. The bacterial o-amilases of B.subtilis and B.licheniformis have light different yield of total sugar, about 80-90 g/L in every test. However it was found different content of fermentable sugars. The enzyme of B.licheniformis produces mainly DP5 (degree of polymeritation, 5 glucose units) and in lower amount DP2 and DP3 by hydrolysis; while o-amilase of B.subtilis produces mainly DP2 and DP-3. o-Amilase of A. oryzae yields a higher concentration of fermentable sugars, maltose mores than 55. ABSTRACT. on the total of carbohydrates, than bacterial o-amilases do. Broths obtained by A.higer amyloglucisidade contains more than 95. INTRODUCTION. of fermentable sugars on the total of carbohydrates. Among the fermentable sugars glucose is the main one (75-95. MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY. ). The K.aerogenes pullulanase yield an amount of fermentable sugars lower than 20. RESULTS ADN DISCUSSION. on the total of carbohydrates. A high presence of dextrins with more than a DP7 is found in broth. REFERENCES.
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