Proceedings of the 1986 International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources. Effect of water and salinity stress on Euphorbia Tirucalli L.. International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources [18-23 Mayo 1986, Madrid].
Euphorbia tirucalli L. is a potential petro crop plant which can yield 8-10 barrels of oil per hectare per year without any agronomic and genetic improvement. Homever, hydrocarbon yield can be increased using suitable agronomic practices. Rajasthan consists of 3,45,214 sq km of area out of which 0.728 million hectare is user land, under arid and semi-arid conditions with rainfall from 7 to 15 cm/year. Widespread soil and irrigation water silinity is encountered and plants face drought conditions for most part of the year. During present investigations influence of salinity and water stress on growth and hydrocarbon yield was studied. Experiments were conducted in 9 inches earthen pots. Salinity ranging from 0.38 to 13.0 mmho/cm at 25oC was provided. Different levels of irrigations from 0 to 100 percent stress were provided. The experiments were conducted for 6 months and repeated twice. Lower levels of salinity promoted growth and hydrocarbons yield although inhibition was observed at higher salinity conditions. Water stress also affect the growth and hydrocarbon yield. Plants showed poor growth and hydrocarbon yield in the absence of the irrigation. Although the maximum biomass was observer under 100 percent field capacity but stress was essential to improve hydrocarbons yield which was maximum at 50 percent of field capacity. It may be concluded that E. tirucalli can withstand certain ammount of salinity and water stress and is suitable for cultivation under arid and semi-arid conditions. INTRODUCTION. MATERIALS AND METHODS. RESULTS. Effect of salt stress. EFFECT OF WATER STRESS. DISCUSSION. REFERENCES.
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