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Proceedings of the 1986 International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources. Use water hyacinth in the production of biomass. International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources [18-23 Mayo 1986, Madrid].




The water hyacinth (Eichhornia Crassipes) is a vascular species with a high biomass productive capacity which can be as a protein and energy source. To evaluate the energetic and nutritive value of the hyacinth a physical division of the biomass has been carried out and it has been obtained on one hand an effluent rich in organic carbon which is easily metanized and on the other hand, a solid preteinic fraction. The liquid fraction with organic metanized carbon is tested in three digesters: anaerobic filtration, anaerobic contact process and mixed flow reactor. We observed than the unitarie methane production increases with the hidraulic retention time the anaerobic filter digester has the higher production of biogas. The crop produced has shown a potential promise for feed and fertilizers. The raw protein per dry matter has been evaluated as 21,54. ABSTRACT. INTRODUCTION. MATERIALS AND METHODS. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. Energetic yield of the liquid fraction. Nutritive value of solid fraction. REFERENCES.

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