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Proceedings of the 1986 International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources. Conversion of solar energy into the energy of biomass by culture of marine cyanobacteria. International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources [18-23.




The paper describes the growth properties of four different strains of marine cyanobacteria, of which two filamentous (Spirulina subsalsa and Oscillatoria sp.) and one unicellular (Synechocystis sp.) isolated from Somalian salt marshes and another unicellular (Cyanothece sp.) isolated from the Trapani saline lagoon (Italy). Productivity and photosynthetic efficiency of the four cyanobacterial strain were evaluated in laboratory and outdoor cultures. Among the organisms investigated Oscillatoria sp. and Cyanothece sp. were outstanding. The former attained 8. ABSTRACT. efficiency of solar energy conversion (PAR) in outdoor cultures. The latter reached 20. INTRODUCION. conversion efficiency efficiency of PAR in lab cultures and 3,2. MATERIALS AND METHODS. outdoors, with production of a protein-rich biomass. Synechocystis sp. evidenced the capability to produce, under appropriate cultural conditions, big amount of polysaccharide. The fur strains tested showed a broad range of salt tolerance. Organisms and culture conditions. Analytical procedures. RESULTS. Biomass yields. Efficiencies of light energy conversion into biomass. Chemical composition of biomasses. Polysaccharide production by Synechocystis sp. culture. Main cultural properties. Concluding remarks. REFERENCES.

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