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Proceedings of the 1986 International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources. Biomass technology developed and evaluated by ENADIMSA in Spain. International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources [18-23 Mayo 1986, Madrid].




A wide program of studies and project oriented towards the better use of the residual biomass as energy source, has been taking place since 1978. The first studies were oriented towards the estimation if the potencial residual biomass in Spain, using detailed inventories from various provinces. Subsenquently, studies have been made regarding the technical economical viability towards establishing practical applications and developing the technology for the employment of energy coming from the residual biomass. Among the studies which ENADIMSA has carried out in this fields, the following are examples: use of gas from rubbish landfill as energy, use of the residue from an alcohol factory as energy, development of technology for the anaerobic digestion of farm wastes and self supply of energy, use of crop residues as energy, use of forest residue as energy source through charcoal, program an practices in the field of biomass in different countries, economical aspects of the use of biomass residue. These studies have led to the installation of demostration units for the different technologies used in the conversion of biomass into energy. INTRODUCTION. PLANNING. TREATMENT OF SOLID URBAN WASTES. RESIDUAL BIOMASS. MAIN UNDERTAKINGS IN RECYCLING AND BIOMASS PLANTS. REFRENCES.

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