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Proceedings of the 1986 International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources. Use of coumpound forestal biomass for rural energetic planning in high mountain. International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources [18-23 Mayo 1986, Madrid].




This paper studies the demand of energy in a village of high mountain. For its supplies is proposed the PAMER pattern (Planning Energy Renewable Model). The objetive function pretends a maximum of energetic autosupply. For defining the priorities among the diverses sources of energy the PAMER pattern uses techniques multiobjetive. Inmediatelly this paper studies with detail the use of forestal biomass considering forestal biomass wich comes from the residues of forestiers uses wich are produced in the proximities of the village. This paper analyses the variables that determine its explotation and it expose here the transformations and necesaries procedures for to use the forestal biomass in all the energetics uses; in each event the losses are calculed and they are compared with the provokings losses by others renewable energy sources. Finally, this paper presents some recomendations with regard to energetic use of the coumpound biomass with others sources of energy. ENERGETIC DEMAND IN A VILLAGE OF HIGH MOUNTAIN. PAMER PATTERN. COMBUSTIBLE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SPANISH FORESTAL BIOMASS. THE COSTS OF THE CHIPS. THE TRANSFORMATIONS FOR USE OF FORESTAL BIOMASS. REFERENCES.

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