Proceedings of the 1986 International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources. Energy from biomass r d programme of the Commission of the European Communities. International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources [18-23 Mayo 1986, Madrid].
The Commission of the European Communities has made considerable efforts on R
D in the field of energy from biomass. Since 1975, three programmes have been launched. Community actions were numerous and certainly contributed to the overall progress achieved in the technologies of wood and starw-burning, biogas production from agricultural wastes and thermochemical conversion by processes such as combustion, pyrolysis and gasification. Since almost all of today's biomass is generated in agriculture and forestry, it has to be recognized that the bioenergy concept must duly take into account the social and economic framework in which food and fibre are produced and used. The main objetive of the Community's third four-year Energy from Biomass R
D programme, adopted in March 1985, is therefore not only determined by energy relevance but also includes key issues such as: improvement of environmental conditions by recycling of biomass residues, decentralization of energy production, development of rural areas and creation of new employment, alternative use of the present surpluses in agricultural production for the energy and other non-agricultural markets, aid for developing countries by the bio-energy concept. There are many good reasons for further developing biomass as an alternative, renewable energy resource and to find economic ways to convert it into useful fuels. The Commission of the European Communities has made considerable efforts on R
D in the field of energy from biomass. The main fields of interest for biomass as an energy source for Europe were explored and brought to the public's attention...(ver documento). ABSTRACT. INTRODUCTION. DEVELOPMENT AND RECOVERY OF BIOMASS FOR ENERGY PURPOSES. BIOMASS CONVERSION TECHNOLOGIES.
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