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Proceedings of the 1986 International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources. Photoproduction of microalgal biomass. International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources [18-23 Mayo 1986, Madrid].




Photosynthesis the biological way of harnessing solar energy is the process by which the plant kingdom captures and converts sunlight radiant energy into stored chemical energy in biomass and molecular oxygen. As much as one half of global photosynthesis takes place in water areas, with the microalgae having a major contribution. High productivity, quality of the biomass, simplicity of nutritional requirements and development in aquatic medium are attributes of the microalgae that made them outstanding candidates to be produced in mass culture under controlled conditions. Practical applications of microalgal biomass include its use as a protein-rich food or feed and as a fertilizer, and the production of a variety of valuable products for different purposes. Algal biomass production can moreover be coupled to the reclamation of wastewater. Although with a great potential to be realized, the technology of microalgal production, harvesting and product processing is still little developed. Combined efforts from engineering and different fields of biology are required to achieve the succesful establishment of mocroalgal cultures on large scale. ABSTRACT. INTRODUCTION. MICROALGAE AS A SOURCE OF PROTEIN. MICROALGAE AS A SOURCE OF CHEMICALS. WASTE TREATMENT WITH MICROALGAE. OUTDOOR MASS CULTIVATION OF MICROALGAE. CURRENT STATUS AND PERSPECTIVES OF ALGAL BIOMASS PRODUCTION. THE NITROGEN-FIXING BLUE-GREEN ALGAE. REFERENCES.

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