Macroeconomic effects of higher oil prices in Costa Rica.
SYMBOLS AND UNITS. THE COSTA RICAN ECONOMY. 1972-1982. The Costa Rican foreign sector. The terms of trade. The balance of trade. Balance of payments. Economic cooperation agreement with Mexico. Evolution of foreign debt. THE OIL CRISIS IN COSTA RICA. Development of oil crisis. Nationalization of the oil industry. Price policy for oil fuels and electricity. Oil potential and oil exploration. Other options. Biomass. Hydro and geothermal electricity. Energy conservation measures. USE OF OIL IN COSTA RICA. Importance of oil in the Costa Rican Economy. Use of energy and GDP. The transports sector. Use of energy in agriculture and industry. Impact upon house-holds. PRICE POLICIES FOR ENERGY. Price elasticities. Financing and subsidies. Monetary effects. EMPLOYMENT AND WAGES. Characteristics of the Costa Rican labour force. Employment. Real wages. Types of labour demanded. The immiseration process.
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Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía. Secretaría de Planificación del Sub-Sector Energía - Centro de Información de Energía y Ambiente, CIENA
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