Energy conservation and management in the U.S.. Energy Convers.
Electrical power is one major industry that has shaped and contributed to the progress and technical advances of mankind over the past century. Power must be available to the consumer in any amount that one may require from minute. In generating power, the concept, so far, has been straighforward. If society demanded more power, the power companies would simply find a way to supply users, even by building more generation facilities, this supply-side management technique worked very well until the early 1970s. Mankind began to realize the damage to the atmosphere and ecosystem from the gluttonous consumption of fossil fuels. The power companies began to look for other viable solutions to their problems. Demand-side management is the planning and implementation of those utility activities designed to influence consumer use of electricity in ways that will produce desired changes in the utilities load shape. Supply-side and demand-side management techniques are both discussed in this paper. Also, these technologies are not the only ones that are useful, but they presently seem to be the ones most often considered and discussed..
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Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía. Secretaría de Planificación del Sub-Sector Energía - Centro de Información de Energía y Ambiente, CIENA
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