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Costa Rica : issues and options in the energy sector.



This report is an evaluation of the energy issues and options facing Costa Rica and covers consumption, production and institutional aspects. Given the difficult economic and financial situation confronting the country today, the major issue facing the energy sector is how to adjust the flow of investments devoted to the sector in the light of current economic constraints while still meeting the energy requirements of the future. On the demand side this can be done through policies that promote the rational use of energy, i.e. by encouraging investment and behavioral decisions affecting energy use to be made consistent with the ral economic cost of energy and the current state of energy use technology. On the supply side this requires that investments be concentrated on the development, transformation and distribution of those energy resources which demonstrate the greatest potential for meeting the diverse energy needs of the country at the lowest cost. On the pricing side, the achievement of these objectives requires that energy prices reflect their economic costs. Finally, the balancing of the diverse interests of the sector requires the strengthening of the planning system in order for it to formulate the sectoral priorities and design the requisite policies and investment programs with those long term objectives in mind. The Government is also preparing a legal framework for attracting private petroleum exploration investments rather that using its own scarce financial resources in such risky ventures. In the fuelwood sector, wich still meets the needs of 40 percent of the population, measures will have to be taken to ensure that supply stays in balance with demand. INTRODUCTION, MAIN ISSUES AND RECOMMENDATIONS. ENERGY CONSUMPTION: STATUS AND PROSPECTS. ENERGY RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION. ENERGY PRICING. INVESTMENT OUTLOOK AND PLANNING NEEDS.

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Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía. Secretaría de Planificación del Sub-Sector Energía - Centro de Información de Energía y Ambiente, CIENA

Grettel Ruiz Matarrita

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