Cost and perfomance data on diesel engine generators and pumps.
This report summarizes performance data and costs of operation and maintenance obtained from seven diesel engines operating under field conditions in Kenya. Four of the engines were diesel water pumps and three were diesel generators. Short-term tests (2-hour)were conducted on-site to determine engine efficiency as a function of time after star-up. After the short-term tests, the engines were monitored for a 3-month period to determine use pattern and fuel consumption. In addition, the owners (or operators) completed a questionnaire which documented their perception of reliability and operation and maintenance costs. The short-term tests showed that the diesel efficiencies were primarily dependent on the load factor and time from start-up to shut-down. The measured efficiencies were significantly reduced when the diesels were run for either short periods (less than 90 minutes for the generators and 30 minutes for the pumps) or with loads less than their rated output. The data collected during the 3 months monitoring period revealed relatively low efficiencies because of low load factors and short run periods. This type of use pattern is typical for diesels in Kenya. Operation and maintenance costs varied from.20 to 95$/kWh for the generators, and from.13 to 74$/m3 of water for the pumps, depending primarily on the efficiency and the cost of labor for an operator and repairs. The owners' perception of the operation and maintenance costs was usually significantly less than the measured costs. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. INTRODUCTION. Background. Scope of work. SITE SELECTION. Selection criteria. Recommended sites. RESULTS. Test procedures. Short-term tests. Longer term tests. Diesel performance. Short-term tests. Longer term tests. Diesel costs. Questionnaires. Operating and cost data. FUTURE WORK.
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Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía. Secretaría de Planificación del Sub-Sector Energía - Centro de Información de Energía y Ambiente, CIENA
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