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México : demand-side management assessment for the Industrial Sector. Preliminary analysis of demand-side management in the industrial sector.



Mexico Demand-Side Management iniciative. Industrial Sector DSM Programs in the U.S.. Organization of this report. THE POWER SECTOR. Supply and demand. The National Interconnected Grid. Load Shapes for Operating Areas. Electricity tariffs. Characterization of energy use. Additional data required. THE INDUSTRIAL SECTOR. Definition of the Industrial Sector. Consumption by Type of Industry. Industrial End-uses. Location of industries. DEMAND-SIDE MANAGEMENT POTENTIAL IN MEXICO. Previous and current DSM-Related Programs in Mexico. Methodology and assumptions for the analysis of DSM Measures. DSM Potential by Equipment or Technology. Summary of Potential DSM Savings. Barriers to DSM Program Implementation. INSTITUTIONAL ISSUES IN DSM/IRP. Evolution of DSM in the U.S.. Implementation issues in DSM. DSM for Mexico. APPENDICES.

Presenta tbls., maps. y gráfs.

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