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National hydrogen energy program of the United States Department of Energy.



In response to the Spark M. Matsunaga Hydrogen Research, Development, and Demonstration Program Act pf 1990 (P.L.101-456), the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) reevaluated the mission and objectives of the existing Hydrogen Program, redefined the program goals, and developed a revitalized program. From its conception, the Program has included an applied research and development effort concentrating on improved methods for production and storage; however, there was no concerted effort to produce a domestic hydrogen capability utilizing the technologies under development. The revitalized Hydrogen Program is now focused on funding a well-balanced portfolio of research and development projects to achieve domestic hydrogen production, transmission, storage and use capabilities. Additionally, the Program has been expanded to include a series of demonstration projects that will be co-developed with industry to provide performance data, illustrate benefits, and minimize risks associated with developing new technologies. The research, development, and demonstration activities outlined by this Program will ensure that the technology and infrastructure are available so that hydrogen energy systems can be cost effectively integrated into the energy sectors. This paper describes how the Department of energy will accomplish its objectives through the development of a comprehensive, broad-based Hydrogen Program. ABSTRACT. INTRODUCTION. PROGRAM STRUCTURE. Technology Development and Validation. Systems Studies. System Demonstrations. PROGRAM OUTREACH. CONCLUSION. REFERENCES.

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