Global climate change : the USAID response.
LIST OF ACRONYMS AND NOMENCLATURE. GLOSSARY OF TERMS. STATEMENT FROM PRESIDENT CLINTON. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. INTRODUCTION. USAID'S OPERATIONAL APPROACH IN GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE. Energy and industry. Leveraging investments and donor coordination. Policy reform. Capacity building. Environmental technology cooperation. Sustainable agriculture. Leveraging investments and donor coordination. Policy reform and capacity building. Environmental technology cooperation. Conservation of forests and biological diversity. Leveraging investments and donor coordination. Policy reform. Capacity building. Environmental technology cooperation. Lessons learned. USAID'S GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY. Promoting efficient energy use and renewable energy while expanding public and private energy services. Institutional reform and the private sector. Environmental technology cooperation. Investing in a sustainable and efficient power sector. Criteria for selection of key GCCS countries and major contributors to energy sector emissions. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by promoting sustainable land use in key countries. Sustainable land use policies. Empowerment through participatory institutions. Resource and tecnology assessment and development.
Presenta tbls., gráfs. y maps. A report to Congress
Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía. Secretaría de Planificación del Sub-Sector Energía - Centro de Información de Energía y Ambiente, CIENA
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