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Characterization of information requirements for studies of CO2 effects : water resources, agriculture, fisheries, forests and human health. Fisheries : some relationships to climate change and marine environmental factors. DOE/ER.



The predicted doubling of the atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration by the middle of the 21st century (National Research Council [NRC] 1983) is expected to have profound effects on earth's natural systems. This increase is forecast to have direct effects on climate, vegetation and the global carbon cycle. These direct effects may have indirect effects on some of the natural resources that support society. This chapter discusses the potential indirect effects of increased atmospheric CO2 on marine fisheries, emphasizing economically important species from the northeastern Pacific Ocean. INTRODUCTION: CO2,FISHERIES, AND SOCIETY. Organization of the chapter. Conceptual framework. Economic significance of fisheries. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS RELEVANT TO FISHERIES. Abiotic effects. Biotic effects. Hypotheses of dominat mechanisms controlling fishery abundance. CASE STUDY ANALYSIS. Selection of case study fisheries. Projected environmental effects. Projected effects on case study fisheries. Dominant climate factors. Extrapolation to global fisheries. UNCERTAINTIES AND RESEARCH NEEDS. Analysis of uncertainty. Research and data needs. Suggested research.

Presenta diagrs., maps. y tbls.

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