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Characterization of information requirements for studies of CO2 effects : water resources, agriculture, fisheries, forests and human health. Water resource systems and changes in climate and vegetation. DOE/ER.



INTRODUCTION: CO2, WATER, RESOURCES, AND SOCIETY. INTERACTIONS AMONG CLIMATE, VEGETATION AND HYDROLOGIC SYSTEM. Hydrologic balance. Important linkages between climate, vegetation and the hydrologic system. Important parameters of climate change. Analysis of generic water resource issues. Inadequate surface water supply/storage. Groundwater mining. Conflicts in use. Water losses from storage systems. Vegetation management. Drought. Flooding. River sedimentation. Salinity problems. CASE STUDY FINDINGS-SALT RIVER BASIN. Research design of the case studies. Case study findings. SUMMARY. The effects of CO2 buildup on climate. The effects of CO2 buildup on vegetation. The effects of changes in climate and vegetation on the outputs of hydrologic systems. Patterns of future demands of water. Societal and institutional response to the indirect effects of CO2 buildup. Data needs. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH. Water resources availability. Other issues.

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Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía. Secretaría de Planificación del Sub-Sector Energía - Centro de Información de Energía y Ambiente, CIENA

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