Energy savings in new, low-rise multifamily buildings due to energy efficient building practices. Energy Systems and Policy.
This article discusses methods, findings, and conclusions related to electric space heating savings due to energy-efficient building standards, known as Model Conservation Standards, in new, low-rise multifamily buildings in Tacoma, Washington. The analyses focus on both unit-level (apartment) and building-level data. In order to obtain estimates of weather-adjusted annual space heating electricity use, electric utility bills are normalized using the Princeton Scorekeeping Method (PRISM). PRISM is applied to samples of treatment (MCS) and control (1983 Current Practice) units and buildings. Occupant survey are used in both the unit-level and building-level analyses to control for nonclimate influences on energy use. Multivariate regression models are developed from these data to identify the amount of electric space heating savings that can be attributed to the MCS. Unit-level analysis of energy savings suggest that MCS saved 2.4 kWh/fr2/yr of space heat, approximately 25 percent, for each unit. This estimate represents the average amount of savings derivable from six econometrically estimated models. Building-level analysis of energy savings yields an estimate of 0.8 kWh/fr2/yr of space heat, approximately 15 percent, for each building. In addition to vacancy/occupandy, the best predictors of electric space heating savings are the Model Conservation Standards, the use of additional electrical appliances for supplemental space heating, and the orientation of the unit/building relative to the sun..
Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía. Secretaría de Planificación del Sub-Sector Energía - Centro de Información de Energía y Ambiente, CIENA
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