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Energy use patterns and social differences : a Mexican village case study.



Between July 1985 and December 1986, a detailed empirical study of the energy consumption pattern in a Mexican village in the state of Michoacan was conducted. The point of departure for the analysis was a study of the end of uses of energy and their efficiencies according to the second law of thermodynamics. The study method was participative; data collection included interviews, suveys, and direct measurement. Seasonal variation in the most important end uses was also measured. The energy matrix obtained in the process constitutes the data essential for the technical optimization and matching of energy sources to energy tasks. The community uses seven energy sources through twelve basic conversion technologies to satisfy 33 different end uses. Out of a total energy use of 12.1 GJ/yr per capita (385 W/capita), 85,9 percent corresponds to wood and 9.9 percent comes from commercial fuels. The household sector makes up 78.3 percent of the total. Cooking is the largest end use of energy (67 percent) and the preparation of tortillas, for own use and for sale, uses up 159 W/capita (42 percent of the village's total consumption). The energy demand was divided into useful energy and minimun exergy requirements according to the two thermodynamically basic energy forms --heat and work. This analysis showed that there were large amounts of energy wasted --both for the traditional technologies and the modern ones. Considering the entire village asan energy system, the first and second law efficiencies of energy use are 17 percent and 6 percent, respectively...Ver documento. METHODOLOGY. THE ENERGY CONSUMPTION PATTERN. General panorama of the village. Energy use by sector. Energy use by source. Energy consumption pattern. Social pattern of energy use. Energy-exergy equivalents for the energy sources. Energy use estimation procedures. data collection. LIST OF SYMBOLS.

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