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Renewable energy prospects. Conference on Non-Fossil Fuel and Non-Nuclear Fuel Energy Strategies [9-12 Ene. 1979, Honolulu].




BROAD ENERGY PERSPECTIVES. Exploring alternative energy strategies. Can alternative energy resources be brought into large-scale use in the United States by the year 2000. Global options for short-range alternative energy strategies. Global perspectives and options for long-range energy strategies. RENEWABLE ENERGY RESOURCES. Solar possibilities. Status and prospexts of local solar heating and cooling systems. Global aspects of sunlight as a major energy source. Impacts of satellite power system technology. An analysis of the potential of wind energy conversion systems. Waves, currents, tides-problems and prospects. Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) social and environmental issues. The application potential of hydro power. Petroleum plantations and synthetic cholorplasts. Prospects of future geothermal enregy development. ENERGY POLICY AND STRATEGY. Growth in global energy demand and contribution of alternative supply systems. Impacts of new energy technologies as measured against reference energy systems. Challenges in the implementation of energy conservation. Comparative risk assessment of energy systems. Climatic impact of alternative energy resources. Are the alternative enrgy strategies achievable?. Dimensions of the People Problem in energy research and the factual basis of dispersed energy future. Energy sources for rural development. Renewable energy options: what could developing countries expect from them?.

Presenta diagrs., tbls y gráfs.

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