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Domestic coal pricing : suggested principles and present policies in selected countries. Energy Department Paper.



This paper addresses some theorical issues concerning the pricing of coal and notes a number of practical matters that must be taken into consideration in applying the theoretical framework and conditions under which setting prices, rather than letting market forces operate unobstructedly, makes sense from an economic viewpoint. It deals with the basic pricing model, the role of prices, and questions such as tradeability and depletability and depletability of coal. Also, various general pricing policies are reviewed and their economic affects analyzed under different conditions of demand and supply for coal. For the case where price intervention is appropriate from an economic efficiency perspective, the paper develops a pricing approach based on a simplified algorithm, which deals with uncertainly (reserve levels, international price projections, etc.) and with complicating factors such as multiple coal qualities and relative location of mines. The paper also reviews coal markets in sixteen countries, of which eleven are LDCs. In all but two of them (the US and Colombia) there is price intervention. It was found that intervention is generating severe economic distortions in several of these countries, where partial or total freeing of market forces is warranted. INTRODUCTION. PRICING PRINCIPLES. General pricing framework. Alternative pricing policies for coal. Efficiency coal pricing for developing countries. PRICING POLICIES AND PRICE DATA IN SELECTED COAL PRODUCING COUNTRIES. Overview. Industrialized Countries. Developing Countries.

Presenta tbls., diagrs. y gráfs.

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