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Energy pricing in developing countries : a review of the literature. Energy Department Paper.



INTRODUCTION, SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS. Background and objetives. Organization of the literature review. Summary overview of the literature. ECONOMIC THEORY OF EXHAUSTIBLE AND RENEWABLE RESOURCES. Basic results: competitive model, relation to optimal depletion program. Market structure. Taxation and leasing. Renewable resources. Social benefict cost analysis and energy projects. Summary and conclusions. ANALYSIS OF INTERNATIONAL ENERGY MARKETS. International/regional energy supply and demand. OPEC supply and price behavior. Conclusion. AGGREGATE ENERGY/OUTPUT RELATIONSHIPS. Energy consumption and economic growth. Energy policy modeling. Conclusion. DEMAND FOR ENERGY BY END-USE SECTOR. Industrial-manufacturing sector. Household (residential) sector. Transport sector. Agricultural sector. Conclusion. INTEGRATED ENERGY SECTOR STUDIES AND DEMAND/INVESTMENT/PRICING BY INDIVIDUAL FUEL TYPES. Integrated energy sector studies. Crude oil/natural gas-pricing policies. Petroleum products. Coal/Lignite. Electricity. Renewable Energy Resources. Conclusion. ANNEX. A methodological note on the scope of review and literature search and selection. ABBREVIATIONS FOR PERIODICALS. TABLES. FIGURES.

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