Energy for tomorrow : division 3.2 energy and the economy = Energie demain. Introduction d'une tarification multi-périodique de l'électricité et modélisation de son impact sur la demande : le cas du secteur résidentiel en Suisse. World Energy Conference [14, 17-22 Sep. 1989, Montreal].
With Time-Dependent Rates, the electricity prices are differentiated according to when the kWh is used. Such rates are already in effect in Switzerland, even for the minority of residential consumers who benefit from a reduced rate at night. However, we seek here a finer tarification. For the households, the first innovation would be a seasonal differentiation aimed at reflecting higher marginal costs in winter than in summer (time-of-use rates). In the long run, we envisage spot prices determined according to the generation, transportation and distribution costs. They would be communicated to the consumers in real time in order to allow them to adjust their consumption. We examine the possible ways of these two types of new tarification with respect to the technology already available or under development. Time-of-use rates experiments have been carried out principally in the U.S.A. Their results generally show a statistically significant impact on the demand for electricity. The higher the household consumption, the stronger the impact. The transferability of the results of experiments for given regions to more or less similar ones seems to be supported by the analysis of U.S. researches. However, experiments outside the U.S.A. have been rare. Now the U.S. socio-economic environment differs too much from that of Switzerland, other industrialized countries and, above all, developing countries. Thus, the results cannot be used as a basis for an evaluation for these countries. The cost of a time-of-use experiment is very high and the smaller the region, the more difficult it is to redeem it. Thus, we suggest limited experiments which would still significantly increase the information basis of the decision-markers.. INTRODUCTION. LA TARIFICATION MULTI-PERIODIQUE DE L'ELECTRICITE. La tarification multi-périodique fixe. La tarification multi-périodique dynamique. EVALUATION DE L'IMPACT DE LA TARIFICATION MULTI-PERIODIQUE SUR LA DEMANDE D'ELECTRICITE. Les réusltats des expériences américaines. La transférabilité des résultats. LA TARIFICATION MULTI-PERIODIQUE FIXE DES MENAGES EN SUISSE: COUTS ET BENEFICES. Une expérience suisse en vue de l'analyse économétrique de l'impact d'une tarification mulit-périodique fixe. Coûts et bénéfices de la tarification multi-périodique fixe. CONCLUSIONS. RESUME. REFERENCES BIBLIOGRAPHIQUES.
Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía. Secretaría de Planificación del Sub-Sector Energía - Centro de Información de Energía y Ambiente, CIENA
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