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Energy for tomorrow : division 3.2 energy and the economy = Energie demain. Energy rationalization in Hungary and the role of the World Bank. World Energy Conference [14, 17-22 Sep. 1989, Montreal].



In order to meet acceptable energy demand elasticity targets, energy efficiency improvements will have to go significantly beyond current levels in Hungary, although the national conservation policy have already made attractive achievements. Most low cost investments reducing energy expenditures have already been implemented, so in the future higher cost investments and the over-all modernization of energo-technologies will come into the forefront. In addition, improvements in energy efficiency will require energy auditing, investments at the individual factory level, implementation of an energy pricing policy that increases prices for most users and the restructuring of the industrial sector in order to curtail production in highly energy-intensive industries. Today in Hungary the World Bank has a special role because it has increased its efforts to assist the country in industrial energy rationalization and it has expanded its policy and analitical work to advice the government in this high priority area. Support for energy rationalization efforts is imbedded in the Bank's assistance for the overall structural adjustment of industry. Technical, financial and economic barriers slow recently the adaptation of energy saving techniques, further on lack of information about appropriate technical options and absence of expertise in energy management, and capital shortage are the most important factors, which are to be overcome or removed by the assistance of the World Bank.. INTRODUCTION. FRAMEWORK OF HTE HUNGARIAN ENERGY CONSERVATION POLICY. Basic trends in the Hungarian energy economy. National Energy Conservation Management Programme and the World Bank. SUMMARY.

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