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Energy for tomorrow : division 2 energy and the environment = Energie demain. Private power development in developing countries. World Energy Conference [14, 17-22 Sep. 1989, Montreal].



Privatized power in emerging to meet the serious demand for new generation in developing countries. The main activity in private power is currently in the developed world. But developing countries are beginning to pursue private power options as well, because they need new generation financed by new sources of capital sector deficits and promote efficiency. The key participants in a private power project are the financial community, project developers, and host governments. Successful implementation of a private power project requires careful, detailed risk whom has its particular requirements and expectations for the bargaining process. The financial community has in recent years funded projects in developing countries on the basis of unconditional sovereign guarantees. However, one of the primary reasons developing countries are pursuing private power options now is to raise project financing on a limited recourse basis with defined government support that is short of full guarantees. Multilateral agencies such as the World Bank and national export credit agencies are making a number of efforts to support private power. There are, however, practical limits on the risks lenders can take. Project sponsors seek a basic balance between risk and reward, with the host government assuming certain risks outside of the control of the private sector, such as political risk, or force mejeure. In a private project, the private sector moves beyond its traditional roles of contractor or equipment supplier to assume the basis responsibilities for the project's development, operation and ownership, thereby accepting risks that were previously borne by the public sector...Ver documento. INTRODUCTION: PRIVATE POWER DEVELOPMENT. Background. Private Power in Developing Countries. OVERVIEW OF A PRIVATE POWER PROJECT-STRUCTURE AND PARTICIPANTS. Project Structure. Host Country and Project Sponsor Roles. KEY PARTICIPANTS IN A PRIVATE POWER PROJECT-RISK ALLOCATION. Financial Community. Project Sponsors/Developers. Host Country. WHAT DEVELOPED COUNTRIES CAN DO TO FACILITATE PRIVATE POWER. Country policy initiatives. Specific project support. CONCLUSION. ABSTRACT. BIBLIOGRAPHY.

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