Energy for tomorrow : division 2 energy and the environment = Energie demain. Energy consequences of upgrading indoor air quality. World Energy Conference [14, 17-22 Sep. 1989, Montreal].
Sustained efforts to conserve energy during the last 15 years have taken place at the expense of the indoor climate. Ventilation air volume has been reduced to a minimun. Use of new materials, substances and equipment which emit gases, vapours, fibre and other pollutants to the indoor air are an additional reason for the increasing frequency of complaints about the indoor climate. We are generally able to maintain control over the thermal indoor climate, but it is necessary to upgrade the indoor air quality. To achieve this, architects and other planners must be made conscious of the need to reduce the pollution load, at the same time as the ventillation volume must be increased. In Scandinavia, smell-detection panels (i.e. groups of people trained to detect smells) are now being used to judge scale. The olf is a unit corresponding to a pre-determined from one person. Pollution emitted from equipment, materials, carptets, etc., is classified according to the ventilation per olf and the number of satisfied people. If air quality is improved by increasing air volume, the energy demand will increase. For an office building that is being planned it has been calculated that doubling the air volume will result in an 8 per cent increase. This is less than expected because the heat surplus from EDO-equipment, etc., can be utilized by means of an efficient air-conditioning system. Adverse effects on healt, caused by poor air quality, have been recorded. These include irritation of the skin and mucuous membranes, fatigue and headaches...Ver documento. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE SITUATION. Energy Technology. Indoor Climate. Hypotheses. HOW DO WE DEFINE AIR QUALITY?. Can air quality be measured?. Oif-a new unit for indoor pollution. Volume of ventilation per olf. Even the ventilation plant pollutes. ENERGY REQUIREMENTS IN OFFICE BUILDINGS. Energy requirements in an actual building. Energy requirements per m². Finanacial consequences of increased ventilation. PERFORMANCE AND WELL-BEING. Status. the effect on health of an adverse indoor climate. Productivity. PROPOSALS FOR REMEDIAL MEASURES [5]. Smoking. Buildings, interior and fittings. Ventilation installations. ANNUAL COSTS AND OPTIMAL INDOOR CLIMATE. Employees at the centre of the stage. What is the value of improved productivity?. Can the indoor climate influence productivity?. Is there an optimal air quality?. How do we upgrade air quality?. CONCLUSIONS. ABSTRACT.
Presenta gráfs. y diagrs.
Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía. Secretaría de Planificación del Sub-Sector Energía - Centro de Información de Energía y Ambiente, CIENA
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