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Energy for tomorrow : division 2 energy and the environment = Energie demain. Engineering and ecological problems associated with low-grade fuel burning. World Energy Conference [14, 17-22 Sep. 1989, Montreal].



The major portion of explored reserves in fuel-energy balance of the world power industry is account for by coals either of little or no use for burning in open chamber furnaces by means of traditional methods. The use of low-calorie solid fuels is associated with a general problem of power supply in the world while the necessity for accelerated development and implementation of new technologies is universally accepted. The impediments of use of these fuels reside in engineering and environmental problems caused, on the one hand, by decrease of fuel reactivity and, on the other, by high content of ash, sulphur, and moisture. Different approaches are possible to development of new processes that more efficiently employ energy raw materials having low heat of combustion. The promising trends of low-grade fuel burning may involve various flow diagrams gasification, oxigen blast. Experimental and theoretical works conducted by the Power Institute are aimed at new technologies of burning low-grade fuels at power plants, with present-day pollution regulations met. The first pilot-commercial plant having a fluidized bed primary furnace with a capacity of 120 t/h is to be put into operation at the Dobrotvorsky thermal power station in 1989. At present the Institute develops flow diagrams of high-temperature low-grade fuel burning where molten slag removal and a steam-gas unit having an oxigen blast primary furnace are used. A low-waste process where fuel slags are utilized to produce building materialsm, metal alloys and other valuable products in under development. REFERENCES. ABSTRACT. RESUME.

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