Energy for tomorrow : division 2 energy and the environment = Energie demain. Low-cost environmental control technologies for coal utilization. World Energy Conference [14, 17-22 Sep. 1989, Montreal].
In the last half century gas and oil have displacer coal as the preferred energy source for new electrical generation. In the longer term, it is anticipated that diminishing supplies of gas and oil will drive up the value of those commodities, making coal the more economic fuel. However, international concerns regarding acid rain and its control and the more recently identified greenhouse effect have become major issues in the increased used of fossil fuels. In both Europe and North America, the transborder migration of pollution is a serious problem. It is these issues of economics, emissions control, and now CO2 release that may inhibit the increased utilization of coal. Technologies now available for emissions control are add-on systems that are expensive to build and operate and often create waste disposal problems. In addition, most new clean coal combustion systems are complex and require considerable power to operate. This reduces the efficiency of the coal to electricity conversion, thus resulting in more CO2 per unit of electricity generated. In Canada and in much of world, there are many programs to develop and demostrate low-cost system to burn coal efficiently with control of emissions. Some of these emerging technologies are defined well enough to allow making reasonable projections of capital, energy, and operating costs. This paper discusses the clean coal technology programs in Canada and compares the most promising new coal-fired emission control systems. Also discussed is a fresh slagging combustor technology now in development...Ver documento. INTRODUCTION. EMISSION CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES. Sorbent Injection. Integrated Coal Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC). Advanced Combustor Techonologies. Fluidized Bed Combustion. LNS BURNER. LNS Burner Status. Demostrations. Future Development. TECHNOLOGY COST COMPARISON. SUMMARY. ABSTRACT. SOURCES OF REFERENCE.
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