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Rapid test for dispersant effectiveness at oil spill sites. API Publication.



An evaluation of four existing field tests for rapid determination of dispersant effectiveness at oil spill sites demonstrated that only one, EPA's Field Dispersant Effectiveness Tess (FDET), shows some promise. One problem witg FDET, however, is that the system consistently produces higher dispersant efectiveness values for darker oils and lower values for lighter oils. A new portable test was developed in this project that is not oil-color dependent and has other features that are required for field use. It is simple and inexpensive to construct from readily available materials (the mixing vessel is a standard battery or antifreeze tester), is simple to use with little prior training, and produces rapid, reliable results which are correlatable with results from the widely-used Warren Springs Laboratory (WSL) dispersant test. ABSTRACT. INTRODUCTION. EVALUATION OF EXISTING FIELD TESTS. Pelletier screen test. Fina spill test kit. Mackay simple field test. EPA FDET. NEW FIELD TEST. Results of preliminary testing. Optimization of the test design. TEST REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURES. Materials required. Test procedure. CONCLUSIONS. REFERENCES. LIST OF FIGURES.

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