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Proceedings of the 7th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop 1985. Naike hot springs : a hot spring system [North Island, New Zealand]. New Zealand Geothermal Workshop [7, 6-8 Nov. 1985, New Zealand].




Thermal water (ab. 29 l/s) is discharged near a greywacke basement-terciary sediment contact over a distance of 0.5 km by a few hot springs (Tmax= 67°C) and by seepage along the Te Maire Stream near Naike (70 km S of Auckland, NZ). The springs discharge dilute alkaine, NaC1-type water which shows affinity to the chemistry of other thermal springs in the greater area occurring in a similar geological setting. The hot springs at Naike are fed by two NE-striking fracture zones which are connected by subsidiary fractures and joints. No significant, concealed outflow has been observed, and the shallow reservoir of the system appears to be restricted to the fracture zones. Minimum equilibrium temperatures of about 100°C are indicated for the deeper feeder system. It is postulated that an anomalous terrestrial heat flow supplies all the heat discharged by the system and that a collection network exists at depths greater than 3 km covering an area of the order of a few hundred km2. ABSTRACT. INTRODUCTION. GEOLOGY. Geological map. Structural geology. GEOPHYSICAL STRUCTRE. Resistivity soundings. Resistivity traverses. Gravity survey. Shallow temperature and SP surveys. CHEMISTRY OF HOT SPRINGS AND NATURAL HEAT LOSS. Chemical studies. Mass flow and heat loss. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. REFERENCES.

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