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Proceedings of the 7th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop 1985. Operation of a test facility for the direct-heat use of geothermal energy. New Zealand Geothermal Workshop [7, 6-8 Nov. 1985, New Zealand].




The Rotorua Geothermal Task Force has recognised that the level of geothermal drawoff in Rotorua could be substantially reduced using simple energy conservation techniques. The task force has built a geothermal test facility to demonstrate the more effective utilisation of geothermal energy for direct heat-use. This facility incorporates a geothermally heated secondary system providing space heating through radiators and domestic hot water to a 100 m2 house. The heat loads, temperatures and mass flowrates throughout the heating system can be monitored using a data adquisition system. This facility has provided information on the minimum levels of geothermal drawoff necessary to provide continuous space heating in Rotorua's climatic conditions. The savings available through the use of thermal insulation, modern heat exchanger design and temperature control equipment are described. The facility has been open for public inspection since April 1985. The test bed has also provided a means to measure the performance of different heat exchangers and temperature control devices under controlled contitions. Both shell-and-tube and plate type heat exchangers have been tested at a range of heat loads up to 15 KW. The temperature control equipment tested includes thermostatic steam condensate traps and temperature actuated valves. Piping was set up to show different insulation cladding materials, aluminium, malthoid and PVC products have been used to assess their suitability to geothermal applications in Rotorua. ABSTRACT. INTRODUCTION. THE TEST FACILITY. TEST PROCEDURE. Pipe insulation. Heat exchanges performance tests. Temperature control valve equipment. The overall performance of the thes facility. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS. Pipe insulation. Heat exchanger tests. Temperature control valves. Teh overall performance of the test facility. Conservation costs. Conversion to natural gas. CONCLUSIONS. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. REFERENCES.

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