General linear model framework for estimating work trip rates for households in Kuwait. Transpn. Res.-A.
The 1985 Census of Kuwait has shown that there are great variations among households of the same nationality and between households of different nationality groups. As such, routine applications of conventional trip generation procedures such as the cross classification analysis approach may not be appropiate. Alternative statistical methods of analysis based on a generalized linear model framework (GLM) are discussed. This framework provides a flexible range of statistical models for representing the dependence of mean household trip rates on explanatory variables of interest and for selecting the distribution of trip rates of households within individual classification cells. Seven different household major groups could be identified from the 1985 census. One of these groups, Kuwaiti households living in villas, is used for some illustrative GLM analysis in which the results of an extensive home interview survey conducted in 1988 are utilized. This analysis showed that work trip rates of this household group are influenced by car ownership, household size, and the interactive effect of these two variables.
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