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Proceedings right light 2nd european conference on energy-efficient lighting. Psychology behind right light choices : review and research agenda. European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting [2, 26-29 Set. 1993, Arnhem].



Lighting energy-efficiency depends not only on the choice of lighting equipment, but on how the installed equipment is used by building occupants after the designers and utility representatives have left. This paper reviews the relevant psychological theory and research that explain the processes involved in the adoption and use of energy-efficient lighting, with particular emphasis on the role of the end-user. Facility managers and building owners often resist the adoption of new lighting technologies, fearing that individual users will not accept them. Failure to accept the new technology might reveal itself in an increase in the number of complaints about the lighting, or in attempts at local modifications, such as the addition of task lamps, that could nullify the energy savings achieved with energy-saving design. The absence of information about individual beliefs and preferences concerning lighting hinders the decision-making processes involved in lighting design. At present, facilities managers, lighting designers, and building owners must rely on anecdotal information to support their decision. Cognitive psychology has demonstrated that decisions made in this way are subject to predictable biases. The most easily recalled and the most vivid information will be weighed the most heavily, thus, one case of a failed application followed by user complaints will have a greater effect than hundreds of quietly successful uses of new technologies.. SUMMARY. LIGHTING AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY. Who makes lighting decisions?. ENVIRONMENTAL DECISION-MAKING. Models of environmental technology decisions. Psychological influences in technology decisions. Positional influences. Decision outcomes. IMPLICATIONS FOR LIGHTING RESEARCH. Lighting and decision-making. Lighting and behaviour. LIMITS ON PSYCHOLOGY'S ROLE. MAKING RIGHT LIGHT CHOICES. REFERENCES. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.

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