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Proceedings right light 2nd european conference on energy-efficient lighting. New lighting plant of S. Marco Basilica in Venice. European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting [2, 26-29 Set. 1993, Arnhem].



In the framework of its nationwide programme entitled Light for Art design literally to bring to light works of art that would otherwise remain obscured, ENEL S.p.A. has recently completed a new lighting system for St. Mark s Basilica in Venice entirely replacing the former illumination with state-of-art technology. Given the exceptionally delicate nature of the architectural context of the operation, the project presented considerable problems at both its planning and implementation stages, with extensive tests being carried out on site and special solutions being devised for the equipment used. ABSTRACT. INTRODUCTION. THE INTERIOR OF THE BASILICA: MORPHOLOGICAL AND CHROMATIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SURFACES. THE LIGHT SOURCES. ILLUMINATION LEVELS. CHARACTERISTICS AND POSITIONING OF LIGHT SOURCES. GENERAL LIGHTING SCHEME AND WIRING SYSTEM. COMMAND AND CONTROL SYSTEM. CONSIDERATIONS ON ENERGY EFFICIENCY. CONCLUSIONS.

Presenta ilus., y diagrs. Incluye planos

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