Proceedings right light 2nd european conference on energy-efficient lighting. Only the best for lighting efficiency : triphosphor lamps and electronic ballasts. European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting [2, 26-29 Set. 1993, Arnhem].
In the last decade a revolution in straight-tube fluorescent lamps has occurred. Improvements in fluorescent lamps and the ballasts used to power the lamps have drastically increased fluorescent lighting efficiency. Current off-of-the-shelf T-8 (26mm) lamps with triphosphor coatings and electronic ballasts make it possible to save 35 percent of the energy used in standard fluorescent lighting. A further 10 percent to 40 percent savings are possible with the use of specular reflectors, high-efficiency luminaires, lighting controls, daylighting and improved lighting design techniques. This paper examines three generations of fluorescent lighting technologies for their applicability in energy-efficiency promotion programs, with a particular focus on their usefulness in demand side management (DSM) programs. Each successive generation of lighting technology offers increasing levels of energy efficiency. The most common type of fluorescent lighting used throughout the world is the first generation type (40 watt lamps and magnetic ballasts). This generation is the least efficient of the fluorescent lighting technologies. Therefore, there is a significant amount of electricity that can be saved by upgrading to second and third generation lighting technologies...Ver más información en documento. ABSTRACT. INTRODUCTION. THREE GENERATIONS OF LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS. Third Generation Technologies. THE ROLE OF SECOND GENERATION EFFICIENCY. THE BEST OF LIGHTING EFFICIENCY - THIRD GENERATION LIGHTING. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. REFERENCES.
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