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Proceedings right light 2nd european conference on energy-efficient lighting. Towards energy efficiency standards for lighting in the Netherlands. European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting [2, 26-29 Set. 1993, Arnhem].



As a consequence of its energy and environmental strategies the Netherlands government initiates an extended range of electricity savings measures. Lighting among these, plays a major role. The Netherlands government seeks to attain its energy saving goals through a wide variety of strategies in which close cooperation with industry and the energy distribution sector has been assured. Direct government influence is established by issuing regulations. Lighting prescriptions that apply to newly built and renovated governmental buildings have already been implemented. Further to these, it is to be expected that energy performance standards for residential and non/residential buildings will come to rule in 1994. The non residential building standard indirectly acts as an incentive for the application of energy efficient lighting. Besides, within the framework the Energy Saving on Appliances Act, equipment performance standards for lighting equipment are being developed and discussed with industry which more directly ban energy inefficient equipment. It is to be expected that the Netherlands government will suggest the E.C. to set standards for fluorescent lamps and ballasts. SUMMARY. INTRODUCTION. ENERGY SAVING ACTIVITIES OF THE NETHERLANDS GOVERNMENT IN THE FIELD OF LIGHTING. DEVELOPMENT OF LEGISLATION ON ENERGY EFFICIENT LIGHTING IN THE NETHERLANDS. Energy performance standards for buildings. Equipment performance standards. MINIMUM EFFICIENCY STANDARDS FOR FLUORECENTLAMPS AND BALLASTS. Introduction. Fluorescent Lamps. Ballasts. Conclusion.

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