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Proceedings right light 2nd european conference on energy-efficient lighting. Tool for lighting policy analysis : improving energy efficiency indoor lighting in the Netherlands. European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting [2, 26-29 Set. 1993, Arnhem].



This paper describes the methodology and data required to analyze the potential for improving indoor lighting energy efficiency using a spreadsheet model entitled LPROGNOS. The methodology has been developed for the purpose of assesing technology and policy alternatives for a country. The model quantifies potential energy savings and economic impacts from various policies. The model has been used in the project Government Policies for Energy Efficient Indoor Lighting in the Netherlands, that was commissioned by NOVEM on behalf of the Ministry of Economic Affairs on the Netherlands. The project has been conducted by Bakkenist Management Consultants with the assistance of Lawrence Berkley Laboratory. The results of the baseline projection of energy consumption by building sector and energy costs for indoor lighting in the Netherlands from 1990 to 2010 was given in this paper. The result of the analysis of the policy option of minimum efficiency standards for fluorescent lamps and ballasts will be presented at the Right Light Conference in September 1993. ABSTRACT. INTRODUCTION. THE MODEL. Summary. Structure. Central Energy Equation. Model Assumptions. Model Operation. Model Inputs. Model Outputs. Baseline and Policy Analysis. Economic Analysis. POLICY OPTIONS. RESULTS.

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